Ports and Shipyards

The Maritime silk road and the expansion of ports

The Maritime Silk Road i.e. 21st Century Maritime Silk Road is a Chinese driven Initiative to increase investment and foster collaboration along the historical Silk Road route. The collaboration between Southeast Asia, Oceania and North Africa is being developed along several continuous contiguous bodies of water which are the South China Sea, the South Pacific Ocean, the wider Indian Ocean area and further afield.

Following from its heavy investment, China has developed its infrastructure by using strategically positioned ports which can deliberately link and coexist with the land based projects. Planning for substantial investment in such facilities are under way and exclusive opportunities are arising from the extensive infrastructures being developed. Chinese involvement has been advantageous and substantial to the progression of some worldwide ports. With the expansion of the Maritime Silk Road, enhanced and industry-leading frameworks and mechanisms are improving connections between land and sea networks, thus leading to a higher progression capacity which will improve transport efficiency, timing, delivery and overall reductions in cost.

How are we going to help you?

Our clients will benefit from an exclusivity of opportunities in our OBOR Invest profile. You will gain access to business relationships in countries along the OBOR region and by doing so, we are providing channels for capital growth. Our collaborations with existing businesses will assist you in finding investment opportunities several exclusive projects. These projects include the construction and expansion of ports, self-interest shipping companies, development of your own network of investors and a blueprint for financial and accounting stability. With our support, cooperation with other active brands in the region will grant you fundamental and paramount access to leasing and/or buying a self-reliant port and designing your own business structure. Offering you control over risk management, research studies and port development management.
